Events for February 2025

Latest Past Events

Method Acting March Homework AM

The AM or PM Monday classes are the Homework. This is where you learn to build on the technique of Lee Strasberg to bring more technique into the studio session. As well as you learn to work in your own space, as you will need to do self-taping or prep before going on set. You […]

Method Acting March Studio

The Studio Technique and  Scene Study expand into the space as they would coming to the Film Set or Stage. Scene Work engages the primary work of understanding the character and the situation of the drama. Who is this person, and what do they want or need? What is happening between the characters? How you work […]

Method Acting March Studio

The Studio Technique and  Scene Study expand into the space as they would coming to the Film Set or Stage. Scene Work engages the primary work of understanding the character and the situation of the drama. Who is this person, and what do they want or need? What is happening between the characters? How you work […]